Smealum we offer "Yetinoel"For this season, the demo of a FPS that uses the engine"Dawnseeker".
smealum said:
A small demo at the con that I made using the engine Dawnseekers I slightly changed. In fact, I made for christmas challenge of PA because I thought no one held this year (like last year I think) ... The thing is, I was wrong, and there has been a challenge Christmas. Smiley Anyway, my thing has been done to the hard (started on 25 ...), so it's no worse. I still finished because it would have bothered to have made the map for nothing and that it helped me a lot of work the lighting aspect of my engine.
(the following is a copy / paste what I posted on PA)
In short, the story:
The bloody Yeti kidnapped Father Christmas to levitate in a pyramid and you must kill them all to save him.
Download link:
It is a FPS, so DPAD / ABXY to move stylus to aim and L / R to shoot.
I have not posted in the project because it's just a little delirious and it will never be updated. Smiley
Oh, also: the game is ugly, very buggy and almost unplayable at times. You have been warned ...
- Some of GFX lobo (but most have been modified)
- Model and texture of a yeti unknown (found on google, it is a model of quake)
- Other GFX from me (so all those ugly ... which makes the texture of Father Christmas)
- Code of me