Posted By: wraggster
News/release from hotkebab99

YahtzeeDS is the port for DS game Yam's.
The goal is to make combination to score maximum points.
The best scores are saved.
For more information on the game:
06/06/08: 1.0 - First public version
How to play:
The game consists of several tours. Each round consists of two shots.
It makes the first start by choosing "throwing" on the touchscreen. Once this first launch carried out on blocks, via small dice at the bottom of the screen, the values you want to keep.
The red dice are blocked while diced green will be revived in the second run.
They then make the second start by choosing "relaunch" and "throwing". The dice not get blocked when a new value.
At this point, then chooses one of the two pages (accessible via small arrows) the score you want to fill. If it does not correspond to the combination, then the score is set at zero.
The game is finished once all the scores of two pages are filled.
The M icon gives access to a menu during a game.
Technical information:
The project was developed under Eclipse with excellent emulator NO $ GBA.
Sub emulator safeguarding the best scores is not working.
It was tested on hardware via a linker R4 and it worked properly without patchage. The best scores are corresctement saved.
Bookstores used:
-- The libnds for development 2D and 3D
-- EFSlib for backups
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