Here's what's new in v0.1.9:
* The machine gun bullets have as good collision checks as the missiles.
* Made the menus look nicer.
* The mines get activated when there are no planes near them.
* You can collide with your own mines.
* Added auto rotation to the plane selection screen.
* All bullets and particles that occupy only one pixel on the screen are now rendered.
* Reorgazined the play menu screen.
* Added two new multiplayer modes: deathmatch and 10 kills.
* The HUD shows now 0 if you are out of ammo.
* When in plane selection screen, or while the game is paused, the master volume is 50% of the normal.
* Added "VICTORY!" and "DEFEAT" messages to the network play (and DEFEAT replaces the old GAME OVER).
* Cleaned up the HUD (and redrew PAUSE).
* You cannot pause the game during a network match anymore.
* Added bombs.
* Added free EWRAM, and the free ARM7 time to the hidden debug screen.
* The plane selection view is now in perspective.
* The HUD shows again the number of the remaining lives (if they are relevant for the current game mode).
* Added line-of-sight to the AI bots, and the turrets now fire at the closest plane that is firing that they can see.
* Added a little random to the AI turrets' targetting.
The next release could come out soon as Markus is working on the editor and the
export/import stuff as I type this. The IDGA pub night is once again next Tuesday, and
we'll be there once again testing the game in a totally unsuitable enviroment.

having some Wii demo stuff there, so it might turn out to something pretty interesting!