Posted By: wraggster
ttursas has again updated his homebrew game for the DS, heres whats new:
What's new in v0.1.4:
* Added texture manager for the plane textures, and now you can mix different planes
in network play.
* When changing planes while PAUSE is on, the plane is now correclty centered.
* Increased collision accuracy for the bullets (not for machine gun bullets, they are
handled simpler).
* Brought the two level layers closer to each other, and made the zooming less
* Background destroying wasn't distributed correctly between the players.
* The layer base color affects the planes, bullets and particles correclty.
* The front layer became darker after changing the layers for the first time.
* The player can choose the plane he wants to follow in the network play.
* Changed the network play logic a little. Now the client doesn't disconnect from the
server after the player has died. Disconnecting must be done manually.
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