Posted By: wraggster
Ant512 has posted a new release of his Windowing System for the DS, heres whats new:

A few more changes, the most interesting being:
- No need for PALib. SteveH from the GBADev forum kindly wrote a patch to remove it. Woopsi now ships with two makefiles - one lets you use it with libnds (no PALib required), and one lets you use it with PALib.
- Skinnable screens and windows.
- Animation class and animated buttons.
- Support for 1bpp font bitmaps.
Here's the complete changelog:
- Fixes:
- Gadget::hideChild() was only hiding previously-hidden children.
- Gadget::hideChild() was moving an iterator in the wrong direction.
- Gadget::closeChild() was moving an iterator in the wrong direction.
- Gadget destructor closes children correctly.
- Gadget::moveChildToHiddenList() was incorrectly reducing the decoration count.
- Gadget::moveChildToDeletedList() was incorrectly reducing the decoration count.
- Gadget destructor did not close hidden children.
- Children and hidden children deregistered from VBL when destructed.
- Woopsi no longer automatically switches screen focus when a screen closes.
- Renamed screenbase and windowbase files back to screen and window.
- Renamed WindowBase class back to Window.
- Swapped Bitmap class for Bitmap struct.
- GraphicsPort now works with const references to clipping rects.
- Fixed GraphicsPort::drawBitmap() clipping on top screen.
- Fixed GraphicsPort::drawFilledRect() clipping on top screen.
- Removed SuperBitmap::newBitmapGraphicsPort() as the top screen offset code in the GraphicsPort made it unworkable.
- VBL count increased before child VBL functions called.
- Font class initialises _isMonochrome variable correctly.
- GraphicsPort and SuperBitmap reset font colour correctly when using colour parameter.
- Window drag initialisation moved into WindowBorderTop gadget.
- Removed Window::checkTitleBarClicked().
- Added const-correctness and implementation hiding to Font classes.
- Removed Gadget::GadgetType enum and all references to it.
- Improved const-correctness of GraphicsPort class.
- BitmapButton works with const u16* bitmap data instead of non-const.
- Swapped bool cast for flag setting in Gadget constructor with PALib-style double logical NOT construct.
- New Features:
- Skinning system.
- Added MonoFont class for 1bpp font support.
- Split Font class into Font and FontBase classes.
- Added Animation class.
- Added GraphicsPort::drawRect().
- PALib is optional.
- Added AnimButton.
- Added GraphicsPort::drawBevelledRect().
- Removed Gadget::drawIntOutline() and replaced with GraphicsPort::drawBevelledRect().
- Added Gadget::getXXXColour() functions.
- Added Gadget::getOutlineType().
- Added AnimButton test.
- Added new ROM icon.
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