Posted By: wraggster
Mr Peanut a DCEmu Member and Coder has released a new version of the excellent Wolfenstein 3d for the Nintendo Wii, heres the release notes:
It's in test phase because there are some kinks I need to work out (adlib sound doesn't work, but "digitized" sound does work, etc)
About the release (version 1.2a)
Added Gamecube controller and wiimote + nunchuk interfaces to the game
Rewrote US_ControlPanel's control menu so these interfaces can be selected in game
Ditched the US_ControlPanel's "change view size" menu in favor of a misc options menu
Added IR sensitivity adjustment to the misc options menu for the wiimote + nunchuk interface
Added cheat codes to the misc options menu (better than MLI

Fixed the power button on wiimote so it turns off the wii ingame
Added variable strafe speeds which is needed for gcn/nunchuk analog sticks
Next version will have music, then I guess I can't call it a beta anymore.
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