News of a WIP Custom Firmware for the Nintendo Switch:
It does not much yet, but @Reisyukaku has finally released to the public her 'modular custom firmware' called 'ReiNX' on a GITHub page.
What is ReiNX?: Its a modular custom firmware for the Nintendo Switch that uses 'smart' patching for future proofing and just works™
Loads all KIPs from /ReiNX/sysmodules/ directory
Optional custom kernel/secmon/warmboot
Default kips with exefs redir from /ReiNX/title/{tid}
Future plans: I want to maintain the modularity of the codebase and focus on custom sysmodules.
Credits: See github page.
Q: Is your code political?
A: No. My code isn't sentient enough to understand politics. But considering it runs on anyone's switch, I can assume it's at least not a bigot.