The pace of releases has slowed to WiiXplorer but here is the R165 of the file browser on the Wii made by dimok and r-win.
Are also available Forwarder v5 and Alternating Forwarder of Leathl & Jeanny
- Copy / move / delete / rename files and folders from SMB / USB / SD / DVD
- View the properties of a file or folder
- Do a search on SD / USB / SMB / DVD / WiiDisk
- Launch a file .dol / .elf
- See the videos of Wii and GameCube
- Open files. TXT /. / XML. MP3 / .OGG / .wav /. SNB /. AIFF
- Read the images formats. PNG /. Jpeg /. GIF /. BMP /. BPD /. TGA /. TIFF /. GD /. GD2
- Slideshow and zoom images
- Convert images to formats. PNG /. Jpeg /. GIF /. BMP /. TIFF /. GD /. GD2
- Making screenshots
- Explore and decompress archives in formats. ZIP /. Rar / zip .7 /. BNR /. U8Archive /. RARC
- Read file. PDF
- FTP Client and FTP Server
- Text Editor
- Support with USB2 cIOS202
- Support for file system FAT and NTFS
- Address bar with road access
- Multi-language
- Support for different fonts
- AutoUpdate
- Initial commit MusicPlayer. If you find bugs, please carry 'em in the following section. Adding a slide in / out effect for the PlayList IS under construction.
- Added a cool calculation Video Cutoff Which cuts off the unneeded video. It Allows You to have ZoomIn Without Much As You want "any glitches. I Tested it with continuous zoom for about 2 mins Without "any graphical glitches.
- Removed for ZoomLimit ImageViewer and PDFViewer Since it's not needed anymore.
- Fixed the alignment of the Settings Values
- Renamed a few "Settings.
- Added a Share Option For Each Disconnection SMB Share and has Option For Each Client Disconnect FTP Client
- Updated Some language files
- Made option gains value entries When the scroll is Too long and you hover over it
- Added tooltips to the iconbrowser Which show the full file / foldername if you are over it
- Fixed bug in the sound playback. The weird Clicking That Sometimes Comes is gone now.