Lets begin the new year with wiiflow 4.1

This time you dont just get bugfixes, also some cool new features and
modifcations are there

At first, you have a new menu in the global settings, page 2, now you can set
the cIOS load management directly in wiiflow, so if wiiflow runs better in a
cIOS, just enable force cIOS load, or if you want the default cIOS 250 instead
of 249, just set the force cIOS rev to 250 etc.
Wiiflow will now also auto create a savegame on your wii, and yes, a normal
savegame which you can see in the system menu, there we save our new cIOS stuff
from now on, and in the future we will for sure move more into that since the
NAND loading time is much shorter!
Also, the credits button in the main coverflow is replaced by the help button
(makes much more sense), and the help button in the home menu is replaced by a
install game button.
To the game installation, finally you can directly select the partition from now
on where you want to install the game, no need to go into global settings
anymore and set the partition there to something else

Also we now have full vWii compatility, the forwarder is updated, using my new
nand loader, and d2x works again, using my new installer and davebaols updated
cIOS sources.
The stupid shutdown bug should be fixed now lol, as well as all NAND emulation
bugs from SD card. Most network init bugs should be fixed now too, if you still
have some play around with the "async_network" option in your wiiflow.ini a bit,
for some people its better with and for some better without.
If you dont want to use the sd card to make debug logs may use the wifi gecko
option, its much better and more detailed now in the debug output, even more
than the sd card log! You can use the wifi gecko reader as always, see the
readme in it.
The categories menu is now also affected by parental lock, so nothing bad can
happen there anymore. Also if you select a partition for a plugin, it will be
saved specifically for that plugin, that means easier plugin partition
management. Last may important point is wiiflow now can load homebrew dols and
elfs up to 32mb, old limit was 16mb.
I wont mention all the other cleanups, bugfixes and whatever done in this rev,
but all that stuff should be reason enough to call it 4.1, have fun with this
rev guys