Posted By: wraggster
News/release from yohanes via wiibrew
This is an Apple II emulator for the Wii based on the AppleWin/LinApple. You must have a USB keyboard to be able to use this application.
F1 for help
F2 to start emulation (restart apple IIe)
F3/F4 to change disk image
F9 to change color scheme
F10 to exit emulation (or use the home button on Wiimote)
0.0.2 (January 4, 2009)
Fixed text overlay
Disable saving options (dangerous for now, because you might overwrite your files)
0.0.3 (January 4, 2009)
Sound support
Fix joypad problem
Invalid disk image will not freeze the emulator (in case of invalid disk, Master.dsk will be reloaded)
0.0.4 (January 6, 2009)
new keyboard driver, now work with most USB keyboards
0.0.5 (January 6, 2009)
Support Gamecube controller (Wiimote support is planned for next version)
updated some bug in keyboard handling

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