Wii Solitaire is a very simple solitaire game which makes use of the Wiimote. This game is still a work in progress.
Major Game-play Changes
Card-Based Selection
Instead of the cursor having to be over a Tableau card or Foundation card to drop now the held card only has to be touching the Tableau and Foundation cards to be dropped. This really refines the game play making it a lot simpler to control the cards.
Vertical Card Adjustment
The cards on the Tableau now adjust vertically so that when there are less cards in a column more of each card is visible making identifying the cards much easier.
Minor Changes
Finished Core Menu
Core menu work is complete.
GRRLIB 16:9 Support
I made it so that if you are using a 16:9 TV the game will output a stretched 4:3 image to screen. Later on I will make this an option to turn on and off.
Properly Scaled Cards and New Table
I recreated the cards used and properly scaled the cards for a more accurate looking game. I also replaced the old table background with a much cleaner looking version.