September 14th, 2006, 17:40 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
You stopped believing in your leader. You think there is something terribly wrong with this industry. N has an answer. Revolution. Code named Wii. And if you see what they see, and if you feel as they feel, then you will seek as they seek. And two months from now, you will stand behind Wii to give them a 19th of November that shall never, ever, be forgot.
This morning, USA woke up with newspapers headlining about the Wii launch schedule in the Land of the Frii. Same as for Nintendo DS, the newgen home console from the Kyoto-based firm will be released first in North America, on 19th of November, right on time for the Thanksgiving holidays. In the Land of the Rising Sun, it has just been unveiled a couple of hours ago, during the Nintendo press conference in Tokyo, that Wii will debut on the second day of December. No date has been set for Europe at press time.
In terms of pricing, the Wii will change hands for 25.000 Yen (~ US$215.50; €170.00) in Japan, and for 250 US$ stateside. The launch bundle will include Wii: Sports, which, as a compilation of five different sports (Tennis, Ping Pong, Baseball, Golf, Flying), is the ideal intuitive title to get the entire family around the new machine for some immediate fun. This specific software is certainly the perfect choice to demonstrate the Wiimote functionalities and to reveal the potential of the Wii concept at first touch. Launch games will be priced around 50 USD, while the Virtual Console library will offer the biggest hits of the Famicom/NES, the Super Famicom / SNES, the N64, the Megadrive and the PC Engine for download, with prices ranging between 5 and 10 US$ a click.
The 0 US$ no-money-down reservation list is still open at Lik Sang and if you didn't register yet, it's well time to do so. Shortly before launch, once final availability, allocation lots and other supply issues are dealt with, we will know where there is shortage and where there is not, how many units we get in and how much we have to pay for them. We will then contact all recorded customers by email in order to confirm pricing. You will then be free to cancel, confirm or delay your preorder. You will also be allowed to choose the region of your system in accordance with your own personal preferences. Lik Sang had the same system in place for Nintendo DS and Sony PSP and everything went as smooth as it can go, if you keep in consideration the chaos that is a new video game system launch.
Be prepared that the day-1 prices will be higher than the manufacturer's suggested tag. Experienced and veteran hardcore gamers, who are not importing a system for the first time, know that buying a Wii-at-launch or a PSP-at-launch is not the same thing as simply buying a standard Wii or a random PSP on some supermarket shelf. You're paying for the privilege of getting it two months before the massive overflow. Mastercard would call that 'priceless'. There is never enough of the good stuff on a launch day, and Lik Sang is required to pay premium pricing to get earlybird stock in sufficient levels for everybody. We can only extend these offers to you during the first couple of months, while waiting for the market to stabilize.
If you are not prepared to fight, rush, pay more than you should and race for your nextgen system, you would be well advised not to order from Lik Sang right now and to wait it out for 6 to 12 more weeks, until things calm down, and then search for the best local offer around town. On the other hand, if you are like me and just can't wait, if you are compulsive and need to get the new gaming gear instantly after it's out (or even before, if it was really up to you), then make yourself heard, we'll get you covered.
Nintendo Wii (Nintendo Revolution)

Preorder Wii Now
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