Posted By: CoinCollector
via Zophar's Domain
VNES is a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for Nintendo 64. To run it, you'll need a N64 backup device, such as Doctor V64 or Z64.
by JL_Picard
Original version by JL_Picard and \Firebug\ of Vertigo 2099
=- originally for POM '98 (Presence of Mind '98) -=
What's new since 0.1 (POM release):
- fixed a bug with scrolling.
- made it full screen (centered and scaled).
- padded the rom. you _dont_ need to pad it I hope, please let me know about
- fixed a more or less major problem with the menu (you couldn't exit

- included talk64 with the distrobution. use TALK64 -l VNES64.V64 to send.
thats an "L"
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