Platform holder Nintendo has insisted that the infamous Vitality Sensor is still in the pipeline and will still be launched.
The device was conspicuous by its absence from the company’s E3 press briefing. Considering the negative response the peripheral’s unveiling at last year’s event generated, some had speculated that it might have been scrapped altogether.
However, Nintendo of America’s Cammie Dunaway has confirmed that it’s alive and kicking, though she did concede that perhaps E3 was not the best venue to give it a second airing.
“We're continuing to work on the Vitality Sensor,” Dunaway told GameSetWatch.
“As we thought about what we wanted to bring to E3, we realised we had a really packed agenda. We also thought about the atmosphere at E3, which is noisy and adrenaline-filled, and loud and stressful, and it just didn't seem like the best environment to introduce a product that's really about relaxing, so we decided we'd think about other venues that would be more appropriate.”