Yes, the moment has finally come...
This is Globoeil's christmas present to you!
VGMDS V.90 was just released December 24 at midnight GMT time!
This is a program very similar to RPG Maker 2000 for the PC, but it is made for the DS! You need no coding experiance at all to use this, and make your own rpg games for the nds. This is your chance to present your own homebrew game to the DS community!
Whats New
-3-step animations (Like in RM2K)
-Pages 100% working, with conditions (switch, having object, etc...)
-Full switch system
-BONUS: themes for VGMDS
-BONUS: Now you've equipement!
-BONUS: The interface has been improved for event instructions.
Now you can copy/paste instructions and edit them.
-BONUS: Added a map-error-scanner in VGMDS!
-BONUS: GameOver screen & music!! (When like<=0)
ALL PAGE-RELATED BUGS HAVE BEEN FIXED, all problems with event & hero collision too (better gameplay & speed).
Change hero graphics instruction
Change event graphics instruction
Change general variable/switch instruction
Change hero attribute instructions
wait instruction (freezes the games, or freeze the event
change hero walking speed (instruction, or setting? If its an instruction, then I can make my character press a certain key to activate running)
add equipment intruction
remove object instruction
remove equipment instruction
Show picture instruction
Teleport Event
Play animation (on event)
Play animation (on hero)
Move other event/hero
Move (for x pixels, not squares)
Move (square): approach/escape from hero,random
Advanced variables
Fork condition instruction
Save in VGRDS
And, this is coming in the next versions
-Full objects system (you can find, buy, sell or let them...)
Change chipset
In-game interface (pause menu)
Objects & equipment effects in-game
Sell, and Buy instructions for equipment.objects
Full debug (just to remove the pink bug)
SD support
RPG battle system
For now, this only works for CF media, but Globoeil already started making it SD compatible, and will come out less than a month. I know lots of you guys are excited to use it for SD, as the poll turned out here.
Now lets get started!
Here is the download!