theinternetftw has released a new version of the Gameboy Advance Emulator for Nintendo Wii:
Hey guys, for all the work I've been doing in the background, this is actually a pretty small update.
That's because I've spent most of my time trying to get the new version of VBA I was porting working well. Unfortunately, the new updates to the emu require even more power than the old VBA. This is a shame, because the new version fixes some sound emulation problems and is also a much smoother experience, missing the occasional jittering sound or intermittent speedup problems of the current VBA. The sound in fact is perfect, but right now it's a slideshow, stuck at frameskip 5 or higher.
Anyway, all that basically means is that I don't have a menu system in place yet.
But to what I do have done:
Version 7.24.08
- battery saves are now automatically written to SD Card
- savestates are implemented:
pressing + in the ingame menu now writes a savestate,
an option to load the savestate appears on rom load.
(only 1 save state per game for now)
- the screen has been enlarged as much as possible without changing the
aspect ratio.