Posted By: wraggster
Barta`s entry into the Palib Coding Comp
Heres the details:

This is my entry for the compo. I made the text orange to meed with the orange theme
It's been tested on Dualis and my M3-lite.
Does anyone remember Valhalla for the Amiga? It was called a speech adventure because the main character talks to you when you instruct him to do something.
This is my port to the DS. It takes a lot of hacking graphics and speech.
This version is far from finished but if I wait till it's finished this competition
is called 'DS coding compo 2010' or something.
In this version you can move around, look at everything, pick up things and drop them back on the floor.
No use of objects or operating levers, yet!
Feel free to wander around, look at things and listen to what your character has to say. The skull in the lower left room talks back
Press start at the intro
Moving with the control pad
A look at things, walls, floors, anything
B pick up and put in your ruksack
Select something from your ruksack with the stylus and put it down with the X
The Y lets you toggle between normal mode and invisible mode
In invisible mode you can walk through anything (usefull for testing).
- Operate things and use objects
- Find out how to add even more text speech to the game.
It has 144 sounds included, and adding more gives a compile error:
bin/ld.exe: address 0x2406118 of build.elf section .bss is not within region ewram
- Rewrite the map routine. The map is now a huge background scrolling underneath the main character. As the map has to change (opening doors etc.) it's better to use sprites (I think)
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