Posted By: wraggster
Birslip has posted a great looking game for the DS, heres the release info:

On the composition of drunken coders, I made a little game, which is a little void, but that is 3D, maybe it compensates? Well, the story is not there, you embody a character that responds on behalf of Uummarmiut (I can find worse name!), Which must seek its Christmas gift itself (what sadness ...). In short, under this concept a little corny did not conceal much, there are a dozen levels at which you Face fir, ice, bears and even yétis! With always with the idea to collect all gifts.
Some practical information anyway:
Move the stylus to move the guy
Up or X for the sauté
Cam left / right or double click to launch balls
Select Start, or to take a break
What's more you can change the difficulty, by clicking on "options" at the outset. In terms of music, they are not really me, I have bitten on I do not know what flash game then I bidouillé. The graphics is almost the same, the models come from the excellent egoboo Thursday except the tree and cubes (), but by contrast textures were made by myself (which explains a lot of things). I tried to make essemble fairly consistent, I hope I arrived, if not too bad!
I will distribute the sources, but as usual, I must comment and that j'enjolive parts. Well, if j'oublis do not hesitate to remind me!
Regarding bugs, there are probably, but not that prevents play. Good game!
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