May 5th, 2018, 10:40 Posted By: wraggster
Some more Nintendo Switch Hacking news:
The original author of 'Hekate' designed his payload 'backup function' to only backup the main system partitions of the eMMC module on the Switch, one of reasons for that is Switch on lower firmwares only supports smaller SDCards formatted as FAT32, which can't of course store one large 32gb backup file, as such three different developers have now forked the source code release of 'Hekate' to allow backing up the nand completely using the old-school chunks system, check them out below and pick the one that you like the best to use for now on your Switch, and remember there is no way to 'write to nand yet', plus no 'custom firmware' either! 
rajkosto said:UPDATED: --> v3: do not split dumps if writing to exFAT, add RawNand dump option
hekate_ipl fork that lets you dump all the possible partitions (USER and BOOTx are separate menu options)
(also updated my hekate dumped parts to single RawNand.bin script here: https://pastebin.com/vdCqxrci)
Unrelated: formatting your sdcard partition as exFAT with 128KB cluster size seems to make dumping way faster. My latest fork binary release is at https://github.com/rajkosto/hekate/releases/tag/rel_v3 and seems to be the most reliable of the bunch.
NEWS SOURCE #1: Hekate Ipl | Page 9 (via) GBATemp
CTCaer said:CTCaer mod v1.1 - Automatic RAW eMMC partial dumping
The only difference with the official hekate -ipl for this payload is support for automatic partial dumping for your Switch's eMMC. Additionally, there are some other quality of life small changes. It automatically starts partial dumping (even in exFAT formatted SD Cards), based on the available free space and it supports FAT32 and exFAT.
Before proceeding, read the release description in the following link: Download v1.1
There's also a windows script provided, that joins these 15 files into one. You can then use rajkosto's biskeydump and HacDiskMount to manipulate your raw eMMC dump.
naehrwert for the original code: https://github.com/nwert/hekate
@rajkosto for his hekate - ipl commits and tools: https://github.com/rajkosto/hekate
NEWS SOURCE #2: [RCM Payload] Hekate mod - raw full nand backup (via) GBATemp
sweetlilmre said:I modded the Hekate release to add exFAT support and to add another menu option to include the USER partition when dumping the emmc. The payload can be found here: https://github.com/sweetlilmre/hekate/releases/tag/v1.1
Testing takes a long time, but I have tested a Fat32 vs exFAT dump of everything excluding USER and the files are identical.
I am testing the USER dump now, I assume that it will work provided that you have a big enough SD Card to handle it.
EDIT: That said, I've tested it on my switch and it seems to work well.
I take no responsibility for any damage / issues incurred with this release, use at your own risk.
Credits to naehrwert for the original code: https://github.com/nwert/hekate
NEWS SOURCE #3: [RCM Payload] Hekate mod - exFAT support and USER dump (via) GBATemp
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/up...-backup.46918/
For more information and downloads, click here!
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