Posted By: wraggster
Stravingo posted this release into the Neoflash Coding Contest:

New! Treasures of Gaia v0.2 is available.
It is now possible to switch between a satellite view and a map on the lower screen! Thus, it is much more easier to find a precise location. Among other improvements, you can now select English or French.
A : switch between satellite/map view on the lower screen.
X/B : scroll up/down information on the upper screen.
Y : chose a place in the World Heritage list.
Select : switch between Map/Picture/Text on the upper screen.
Start : help.
L/R : zoom out/zoom in.
Pad : scroll the world map, scroll information on the lower screen.
Stylus : scroll the world map, select a place on the map.
Installation notes
patch the ROM with DLDI
put the file tog_cities.dat at the root of your linker!!!
Wifi is mandatory!
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