July 26th, 2008, 11:37 Posted By: wraggster

Considering it's a kids game, and it's on the DS, and stars the new kids-oriented Transformers, you might not give the new Transformers Animated game a chance. I know the show - Megatron, Starscream and that Nazi Decepticon aside - is just awful. But the game looks (relatively) pretty neat! Really. It's a side-scrolling platformer broken up by vehicle sections, but when side-scrolling, you control one Autobot, with the others scrolling right there with you. And you can switch between them effortlessly, to take advantage of their various strengths/weaknesses in order to solve puzzles or, as Ironhide would put it, kick some Decepticreep butt. Sounds mundane, but people as old as me may remember the original 80s Transformers game, and how this is almost exactly the same, which is a nice touch. Presser after the jump.
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