Posted By: wraggster
PinballWizard, WarpedFlash, and Arikado have released a demo of their upcoming library:

The HOMEbrew Menu Standard Library is a simple code library that allows developers to easily incorporate a HOME menu similiar to Nintendos into their applications.
Current Project Status
Arikado is one linking error away from finishing the library's source code. Tantric is assisting Arikado with this error.
Demonstration Application - Download
The Main Features of the Library
Allows the user to return to the loader or the system menu
Allows the user to reset or shutdown his/her Wii
Displays sprites for up to 4 connected wiimotes
Displays which wiimotes are synced to the Wii
Displays if the balance board is synced to the Wii
Open Source
Incorporating the library into your programs
Arikado has made some changes and will rewrite this section upon the release of the library.
At them moment, The HOMEbrew Menu Standard Library is only compatible with programs that use libwiisprite. However, several ports are underway in order to widen compatibility. If you would like to do a port, it would be appreciated if you say so before you do the port, so that the authors (and users) know that the port is underway. Right now, the authors are not working on any ports as they are consumed with just pushing out the initial release for libwiisprite users.