Posted By: wraggster
The Neoflash team have released screens and info of their new Flash Cart for the Genesis and 32X which can be split so you can use the Genesis roms on your DS, heres a screen:
The first photo release for NEO MD 3in1 flash cart, it can support up to 1Gb neo2 serial.
In fact the NEO MD 3in1 flash cart is one USB Slim loader IV + MD interface,so it can burn any MK3/MD5/32X rom to the neo2 serial through the USB link cable,and play the MK3/MD5/32X rom on your SEGA 16 bit console immediately.
And of course you can burn the GBA/NDS roms to it and play on any GBA/NDS console too,just like the MGD2 idea,but it's more easy to use and can support different console directly.
That's why we call use neo2 serial flash cart on MD/SNES/N64 is NEO MYTH project.
NEO MD 3in1 can support NEO2-lite and NEO2-SD(TF)

Exciting isnt it, i need to buy a megadrive