March 19th, 2006, 13:57 Posted By: wraggster
Play Asia have let me know they have a book released called The Encyclopedia of Game.Machines, heres some info:

33 years of onscreen fun and interaction: This book presents almost every game computer and console ever created, from Japan, USA and Europe, along with classic software in its authentic, pixellated glory, and background information as well as key technical facts.
More than 400 dream machines and million sellers, bizarre slip-ups and exotic variants are celebrated in full colour chapters with extensive appendixes. From Atari to Xbox, from the C64 to Nintendo DS: Game.Machines is the reference point for members of the PlayStation generation; whether they’re gamers or collectors.
Originally published in Germany, Game.Machines has been recognized as a `suitable reference´ and `recommended reading´ (by Germany's premier micro monthly C’t), as `very entertaining´ (Gamestar) and `compulsory reading´ (PlayZone) or simply as `Ace´ (ComputerBILD). Two years in the making, this greatly enhanced and revised edition invites you to a time journey across the video game era: From the 4-bit beginnings to the broadband future.
• Consoles, handheld & home computers 1972-2005
• First edition: 224 pages in full colour
• From Atari to Sega, from Apple to Nintendo DS: The illustrated history of 450 machines with 600 pictures, history & technical data
• Language: English
For those who are new and old to the world of Game Consoles and Computers this is an excellent way to find out more, more info at Play Asia here --> http://www.play-asia.com/SOap-23-83-...j-70-14fk.html
For more information and downloads, click here!
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