February 22nd, 2018, 14:32 Posted By: wraggster
I have got to get myself a Snes Mini Console, the amount of stuff available for it is awesome and looks a better bet than using an original Snes and flash cart, anyway heres the release news:
This is a fork of hakchi2 (by ClusterM) by princess_daphie, DanTheMan827, and skogaby. The aim of this fork is to not only provide new UI features and enhancements, but also bring the core of hakchi2 up to date with the rest of the modding ecosystem (i.e. USB host support, SD support).
This application can add more games (game ROMs) to your NES/SNES Classic Mini or Famicom Mini. All you need is to connect it to a Windows PC via Micro-USB cable. No soldering or disassembling required.
- Change any game settings (including command-line arguments)
- Fill all game data automatically using included database
- Automatically check for supported games
- Search for box art using Google Images
- Use Game Genie codes for NES games; includes Game Genie database
- Automatically patch problem games (patches for many popular games included)
- Upload hundreds of games at once
- Return to the HOME menu with a button combination instead of the Reset button
- Enable autofire A/B
- Simulate the start button on the second controller (for Famicom Mini)
- Disable seizure protection
- Allows to install user-mods to add more features (even support for SNES/N64/Genesis/etc., music replacement, themes, etc.)
- Allows users to expand the storage of their system (provided a USB OTG hub, or an SD breakout module)
So you were the first to hack the NES Classic Mini?
No! It was my Russian сomrade, madmonkey, who first published a successful hack of the the NES Classic Mini. He created the original “hakchi” tool. However, it was not very user-friendly, so I decided to create a tool which is simple to use by anyone--not only Linux users. I named it “hakchi2” because I don’t like to come up with names. So my first version was a 2.0 release 
How do I use the tool?
Basically you just need to unpack it somewhere on your harddrive (installation is not required), run it, press “Add more games”, select some game ROMs and press “Synchronize”. The application will guide you through this process.
How does the tool actually work?
You don’t need to worry about it. But if you really want to know, it’s using FEL mode. FEL is a low-level subroutine contained in the BootROM on Allwinner devices. It is used for initial programming and recovery of devices using USB. So we can upload some code into RAM and execute it. In this way we can read the Linux kernel (yes the NES Classic Mini and Famicom Mini runs an Linux operating-system), write kernel or execute kernel from memory without writing it to flash. So we can dump the kernel image of the NES Mini, unpack it, add some games and run a script which will copy them back to flash, repack, upload and execute. However, the games directory is on a read-only partition. Therefore we also need to create and flash a custom kernel with a special script that creates a sandbox folder on a writable partition and mounts it over the original games folder. This means that your original files are safe: you cannot delete or harm the original files in any way, even if you wanted. For kernel patching my application just executes other applications, which is why there is a “tools” folder.
What if I have another question?
Many more commonly asked questions are answered in the FAQ: https://github.com/TeamShinkansen/hakchi2/wiki/FAQ
hakchi2 CE v1.1.0
This is v1.1.0 of hakchi2 CE. This release brings a lot of new features, in addition to some bugfixes. As always, if you encounter any bugs, please feel free to open an issue on Github and we'll try to address it as we can.
Under the hood improvements
- Significantly reduce the amount of data being copied to the temp folder during game sync
- If you are not using Game Genie codes, your temp folder will now likely be a few hundred KB instead of a whole copy of your collection
- Differential game syncs for NAND/SD users
- If you are changing only a handful of games, only those games that were changed since your last sync get transferred during sync, rather than wiping your whole collection and re-uploading it
- Revamped HMOD install process
- Installing and uninstalling HMODs no longer requires your console to be in FEL mode. Just power it on like normal and connect it to your PC, then select the mod installation option
- The mod management windows are now formatted more nicely and showcase information such as mod author and category
- Support for flashing both SD and stock uboot
- SD users no longer need to use hakchi1 for uboot flashing
- Default to SD uboot.bin when membooting
- Fix for FTP server reporting 500 error when trying to list files in a directory
- Now if there is a file called nonportable.flag in the hakchi2 installation directory, it will run in nonportable mode (/nonportable also still works)
- Manual reboots after kernel flashes are no longer required
- The generated kernel.img is smaller, which may fix issues with flashing the custom kernel users had on previous versions
- Added a new web installer in addition to our other distribution methods
UI Improvements
- Integration with SFROM Tool (thanks /u/darkakuma)
- In the menu (only for SNES/SFC Mini users), select Settings > SFROM Tool > Enable and follow the on-screen instructions
- Boot splash screen options
- Choose a custom splash screen, restore the default, or disable it entirely
- Added an option to re-install the hakchi scripts to the console without requiring an Uninstall followed by Flash custom kernel
- New Export games dialog
- The dialog ensures that you're exporting to a valid /hakchi/games directory on a drive
- If you have multiboot game separation enabled and are on a US or EUR system, the dialog prompts you to select one (JPN systems are auto-detected)
- Added the ability to edit the sort name and save count for any specific game
- Widened the window to allow for full size cover art display
- Added a setting to enable game thumbnails to be centered, rather than bottom-aligned (disabled by default)
- Custom thumbnails smaller than 40x40 will no longer be upscaled
- Reset Google Image search back to previous keywords
- Clean up built-in folder images
- New icon set
- Folders manager UI was tweaked
- Sort by App added
- Games sent to Recycle Bin will not sync anymore
- Original games can no longer be deleted
- Fix for default games not checking up in some cases
- Fix the issue with boxarts containing transparency losing the transparency after import
- Better boxart scaling (higher quality)
- Re-arranged UI elements to have a better arrangement
FAQ / Common Issues
Q: On app start, I receive an error about System.NotSupportedException: The requested security protocol is not supported.
A: You are most likely on an older version of .NET, or a version of Windows older than Windows 10. Microsoft has provided a hotfix for this issue, please download it here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us...fault-versions-included-in-the--net-framework
Q: Retroarch gives me a black screen on NES games (or others not run by the native emulator).
A: Be sure you are using the latest version of Retroarch provided by @KMFDManic. _km_retroarch_170_1_29_18.hmod in his core set is known to be working, but any version newer than that is likely to work as well.
Q: I'm getting occasional Clovershell timeouts during game syncs or other operations
A: Clovershell ocasionally crashes. Your best bet is to reboot your console and maybe restart H2CE for good measure. We are hoping to replace Clovershell in the near future with a more robust solution.
Q: Which filesystems for USB and SD drives are supported?
A: Short outline below:
- We strongly recommend ext2/ext3/ext4.
- FAT32 is supported, but is prone to data loss if your system is not properly shut down (don't pull the power plug).
- NTFS is also fully supported, but if you're doing all three of the below together then you may have issues:
- Running H2CE from the USB drive itself
- The drive is NTFS
- You are using the USB drive instead of H2CE to manage HMODs
- If this is the case, please use H2CE to manage your HMODs, rather than USB transfer. With the new HMOD installation process, managing HMODs is no harder than games, and does not require FEL mode.
OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/TeamShinkansen/hakchi2
via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/te...onsoles.46512/
For more information and downloads, click here!
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