TamaSurvivor is a Pang (or SuperPang) “clone” (please note the quotes). This is a demo version, the main features works, like menu, pause, highscores(save them too!!),…
Graphics are 100% and gameplay will be similar (yeah, we’ll new cool features), but an image is better than words :Features :
- 100% original graphic content (no sprites were ripped during this game)
- 9 differents levels (at this demo)
- The game pauses when you close the Nintendo DS
- Bonus items (a coin i mean)
- 4 differents types of “attack”
- Ectoplasma-shield () with a lot of alphablending
- Supespinning death animation
- A lot of innecesary blood (oh, not really, there isn’t blood in this game - yet)
- Blocks with surprises inside (yeah, kill ‘em!)
- Save Highscores
- Some rustic ladders