December 15th, 2007, 15:17 Posted By: wraggster
Wizlon has again updated Tabbed, heres the release details:
No messing round here, because I’ve got something huge. It’s a drum machine. I always fancied jamming along to some slick beats, throwing a few chords around, climbing the fretboard in a frenzy of off the wall improvisation, but I never really got round to it because the whole effort sounds empty without a backing beat. I’ve tried drum machines before but they were either too complicated or far too simple, that’s why I created the drum machine for TaBbed.
I’ve kept the whole idea simple, while offering enough complexity to have fun with it. Essentially you have your drum board, place dots on each instrument using your stylus, when the time line hits the dot, the drum sounds. You can adjust the speed using the speed control, the lower the number, the faster the beat (I will improve this in later versions). You can also mix this up by bringing in the sequencer, the sequencer is held on the top screen, each channel has its own drum board, independant speed and can be repeated as many times as you need. You won’t enable the sequencer unless you hit the play button, the sequencer will play each channel as many number of times as you specified and will loop until the stop button is pressed. Easy as that, for maxiumum effect connect your ds up to your amp or powered speakers, you neighbours won’t know what him ‘em.
I will be making more changes to the drum machine as versions go by, namely loading your own drum samples as well as saving and loading sequences. If you have any suggestions or improvements then give me a shout. Enjoy.
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