Posted By: wraggster
Wiibrew have today posted that you should not update at the moment
Nintendo has released System Menu 4.0, which includes a batch of IOS updates. Updating is not recommended at this point.
Version 4.0 of the System Menu was released on March 25th, 2009. It was announced in Satoru Iwata's GDC keynote.
The announcement lists these changes:
The Wii console can now use SDHC (SD High Capacity) Cards with a maximum of 32GB of storage.
The SD Card Menu, which allows you to launch titles directly from an SD or SDHC Card, is added to the Wii menu.
The Wii Shop Channel will now allow you to download titles directly to an SD or SDHC Card.
The Wii console's Data Management menu has been enhanced to make it easier to copy and move stored items on an SD Card or the Wii console's system memory.
The Wii User Agreement, which includes the Wii Privacy Policy, has been updated. Because the updated agreement applies to you and your use of the Wii Network Service, you should view the updated version by clicking on the Wii icon located on the lower-left portion of the Wii Channel menu, selecting Wii Settings, accessing the Internet setting, and selecting User Agreements.
There are other behind-the-scenes enhancements to the Wii console system menu included with Wii Menu 4.0
The update includes a batch of IOS updates issued a few hours before the System Menu update.
So for those who homebrew dont update for now, and if you dont bother with homebrew then let us know what its like