Posted By: wraggster
Awesome news for owners of the Supercard DSOne Flashcart, the cart now has real time saving meaning that all games can be saved ant anytime perfect for any emulator or game 
heres info from the homepage:
The Day is the day we should remember for all SuperCard DSONE user. DSONE OS v3.0 release for all DSONE user in the world. OS v3.0 provide this dream function as a gift of Christmas. It's RealTime Save! Any time, Any where, Any way to save & load the game. This is a revolution of this wonderful device.OS v3.0 include FOUR dream function. ONE:RealTime Save. TWO:RealTime Cheat Code. THREE:RealTime Game Guide. FOUR:Multi-Save. All these are RealTime functions, ONLY available on this wonderful DSONE.
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Buy Supercard DS One from GP2xStore and Flashlinker Europe (in stock at both stores)