December 16th, 2006, 10:19 Posted By: wraggster
KIller golf game released for Nintendo Wii, heres the details:

The Super Swing: The Wii Remote controller provides a new level of gaming interaction, sensing motion, depth, positioning and targeting dictated by the movement of the controller.
Revolutionized Graphics: Improved character texture and molding and the newly designed costumes bring this title to life in this uniquely designed fantasy world.
Single Play Modes: Hit the links in Single Mode to play through Story Mode, Free Mode, or Challenge Mode. In Story Mode, the game proceeds along with the story of each character and will diverge according to the results of the match.
Multiplayer Modes: Try out Battle Mode to take on others in Match Play, Stroke Play, and Party Play.
Super Swing Golf takes advantage of the power of the Wii and provides a rich, newly designed, casual golf game that revolutionizes the way video game golf is played, putting the player in control of the club and the course!
Super Swing Golf's style and character turns the grand old walk of golf on its head. From its ingenious costumes to its freaky caddies, Tecmo's first Wii effort distances itself from the stuffiness associated with golf tradition.
The gameplay in Super Swing Golf, however, does a great job of mixing style and fun with golf simulation. Although players can use special shots on occasion and some courses house some unusual obstacles, the golf itself and course design will challenge those who are really into golf sims.
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