Finally, after months and months and months of preparation, its here!!! The new Super Smash Bros. DS demo!!! Here is the scoop on this new version:

Patch the file "SSB_DS.nds" (No quotes) with the appropriate dldi if neccassary.

Place the folders titled "files" and "highs" (again no quotes) into the root folder of your homebrew device.

Place SSB_DS.nds or SSB_DS.ds.gba (depending on your device) onto your homebrew device.

Luanch the game

Enjoy an awesome game
New Features:
-Start with 3 levels
-Start with 3 Characters
-11 Unlockable levels
-7 unlockable characters
-A variety of characters
-A variety of levels
-Auto save feature
-4 New characters
-3 Returning Characters
-All Brand new stages (except for maybe 2)
-High score table (still working on fixing, but will definitely be in 3rd demo, if not this one)
-Main Menu Music
-1 Fight able Enemy (depends on which character, but might be fixed in time for demo)
Known Glitches:
-64X64 sprites heads do not touch the things above properly (working on it still)
-may not be compatible with all flashcarts
-Will not save on Emulator
-certain levels glitch up with certain characters
-certain things with character images
-Time limit glitch
-Certain characters on Angel Island glitch up
-Probably other ones as well
Initial Release
Game Made by: GEMISIS
Menu Music thanks to: Kikaimaster
Backgrounds, Certain Icons, and Hyrule Level thanks to: tbag
Certain Icons thanks to: Team Rumble
Gannon's Tower and the pictochat level thanks to: brandkak4
levels other than Hyrule, Gannon's tower, and pictochat, and samus thanks to: hillbilly
knuckles and Mario sprite thanks to: the kind people over at
Last 6 Characters thanks to: Cheese566 (I told you, I am not going to spoil the secret characters)
Much thanks to Nintendo for the Super Smash Bros. Series
A great many thanks to: The palib development team
And finally, I would like to thank everyone who has supported this project.