Posted By: wraggster
Next-gen consoles may have finally arrived, but it’s the year-old Wii U that takes centre stage in the new issue of Edge, which is available now in print, or in digital form on iPad, Android and Zinio.Naturally, it’s Mario that’s finally made Wii U a must-have, and in our four-page review we discover just how much Super Mario 3D World has changed since our disappointing E3 hands-on.
Elsewhere, our next-gen launch special brings you reviews of Call Of Duty Ghosts, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag and Battlefield 4, while in Knowledge we speak to developers working on next-gen games about how they’re making use of new hardware without short-changing those sticking with 360 and PS3.In Features we gain a rare audience with Fumito Ueda, the enigmatic creator of Ico, Shadow Of The Colossus and the endlessly delayed The Last Guardian. This month’s My Favourite Game, meanwhile, stars TV host, screenwriter and former game journalist Charlie Brooker.The new issue of Edgemagazine is available now in print, on iPad, Android and Zinio. You can subscribe now at a specially discounted rate here to save money and get the print edition before it hits physical and digital newsstands.