Today I bring you my first homebrew. This is a test to the tacky buttons total (hence the name, incidentally), but enough to be a homebrew like god. Alpha 0.2 The new version brings better graphics basically. The Beta version is available with improved sound and comes in the Scenery Beta 2009.
Author: Salsaman
Well, not much to explain, I've said it all. I must say that the homebrew I've done all alone with a little help from a member of my family who happens to know how to program.
Also say that programming is not as easy as you portray it, especially if you do not have many computer skills. It is best to have someone help you a bit.
When you finish the Scenery, liberate the source code.
Simply tap the button you want (including stylus) and appear on the top screen being held down.
Tested on the following flash carts and firmware's:
Flash card TTDS (Top Toy Ds) with firmware 1.15 (test of Staff)
Flash Card Super Card DS One with unknown firmware (test of the community)
If you have a combination FlashCard-Firmware that does not go on the list, do not hesitate to supply it and comment if it worked or not. Gladly be added to the news.
Beta version 1.0 enhancements:
Stylus Now the positions X and Y.
Added sound to click any key.
It is presented to Scenery Beta 2009.