Posted By: wraggster
The Atari2600 was the first console as a very young lad i remember seeing and playing and today the Chuckster releases a new version of his Atari 2600 Emulator for the Nintendo DS and it comes with a load of Homebrew games for the Atari 2600 
Heres whats new:
All right, here's a much-needed StellaDS Atari 2600 emulator update before the major overhaul begins. Changes include:
DLDI and libfat support for all of the new flash cartridges
Updated to latest devkitpro toolchain
Long-awaited streaming sound without any crackling and popping noises
Code optimizations (code in the ITCM and the new armv5te compiler optimizations)
Faster speed but still not 100%
Usability enhancements with the menus (key repeat, no more bogus dot entries)
So now the sound finally works as it should, and many more people with microSD cards and the like can enjoy StellaDS. Look forward for more features in the future! Wifi multiplayer Warlords or Pong anyone? How about 100% speed via an assembly-optimized CPU emulator? I can't make any guarantees, but I'm definitely trying to implement these features.
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