Chuckster has updated his port of the Atari2600 emulator Stella for the Nintendo DS, Heres the latest news:
So as you can see, I got controls working but the framebuffer still needs optimized. I will work on that now. Hopefully, the framebuffer is what's slowing things down. My plan is to only draw the updated portions each frame and to use an extended rotation background on Mode 5 instead of the FB0.
If the emulated processor or the C++ emulator core code are the bottlenecks and the code needs a drastic rewrite, this project will surely grind to a halt. I have no experience whatsoever with optimizing for embedded systems or even with ARM assembly for that matter.
The emulator has been quite optimized and plays at a smooth playable speed now thanks to a faster framebuffer drawing routine. I will continue to work on it though and add sound.