Posted By: wraggster
Myke38 has updated Starlite a Clone of the awesome Starcraft to the Nintendo DS, first take a look at these screens;

Heres the full and translated to English Release info:
Voila version 0.03 of StarLite.
On the agenda:
-- StarLite is now using 3D Sprites, which allows to see 1024 in total.
-- The wireless Ad-Hoc mode is now functional. It is a saying that you can play with 2 DS in the same piece, one against the other!
Here's how to follow in order to play a new version:
-- Copy the file StarLite.nds on 2 DS. (So far, everything is normal)
-- On the DS numero 1, copy at the root of your memory card file "equipe.txt" with the content as simple character "1" (without a return line, no spaces)
-- DS on the number 2, copy the same file, still has its roots, but this time containing the only character "2".
This file helps to inform the DS that you are the player 1 or 2 player!
-- Run Starlite, and wait for the 2 games is launched on 2 DS. You can now begin to play.
Why this file "team"? In fact, we have not had time to create a menu to select its colour and number team. And this menu will permit synchronize the start, which is not the case here ...
But all that will come in the next version.
In conclusion, you can see for yourself that this is indeed the beginning of WiFi mode, but it works! (Plant it again from time to time, but it takes care)
Known Bugs:
-- Some of the crashes DS.
-- The death of a marine leaves desired: If you kill a marine enemy is your Promis who dies, we will correct it tonight!
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