Posted By: wraggster
Myke38 has updated Starlite a Clone of the awesome Starcraft to the Nintendo DS, first take a look at these screens;

Heres the full and translated to English Release info:
Voila version 0.02 of StarLite.
Unable to start the WiFi mode, we decided to move StarLite with regard to its playability. So this was the work of this weekend.
The program,
-- A debut management collisions between "unity and building" (only for the marines for the moment).
-- A new map without any party "space", thus greatly simplifying the problem of pathfinding
-- An improvement at the level of gunfire from marine earlier, the marines shot at the first enemy they saw, at the risk of not capitalize on a navy closest to him, when the latter was. Now, the Navy simply pulls on the nearest unit.
-- In addition, the marines go out of barracks derénavant de facon coerente
-- And finally, the most important part: the construction of buildings is now limited to the place where you can really build a building ... which avoids two batiements overlap. Moreover, it is prohibited to build a building too close to a rude.
-- And ... no, still nothing for the left-handed, but that will come
Voila, it's not much, but to so many post, it would indeed merit a new update Thanks again for your support.
How to play:
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to test the game on an emulator, I urge you to use $ NO GBA, as it is the only emulator to my knowledge, which generates sounds correctly.
Tip: in order to appear more marine Mangement press several times on "A".
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