Posted By: wraggster
Myke38 has released Starlite a Clone of the awesome Starcraft to the Nintendo DS, first take a look at these screens;

Heres the full and translated to English Release info:
Hello everyone
Being a fan of Starcraft some years now, we decided to recreate the game on Nitendo Ds.
Our team (commonly called the "StarDev") consists of the time for 2 people, me included. The project has been ongoing for 3 weeks, and today we offer some screenshots and the first version (0.01) "playable" StarLite.
Now you can create units, build buildings, and you fight for small marine red. Far be it from us pretend to get a match on Thursday Starcraft true, but we take pleasure in recreating gradually this universe fascinating.
We are aware that many bugs exist, and we try to correct them as they arise. Trying to turn a blind eye when appparaît bug.
Regarding Stardev, we are now hiring two or three programmers in order to move faster. If you are motivated and interested, please contact us.
Thank you for your attention, and do not hesitate to give your opinion.
The StarDev.
To do for the next release:
-- We are currently experiencing a lot of worries about the pathfinding and management of collisions. We hope that this problem will be set by the next version.
-- We are attacking also wifi ad-hoc mode, in order to be filled with 2 ds play against one another.
-- Finally, we rajouterons few new units / buildings.
How to play:
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to test the game on an emulator, I urge you to use $ NO GBA, as it is the only emulator to my knowledge, which generates sounds correctly.
Tip: in order to appear more marine Mangement press several times on "A".
Download and Give Feedback on this excellent release for all Nintendo DS Fans