Spacy has released a new Build of the Best GBA Emulator for windows, heres whats new:
<blockquote>Win32 / Win64 :
* various files :
- increased 64 bit compatibility
- created Visual Studio 2005 solution
- created static versions of the library dependencies (currently only used by VS2005)
- updated MFC to version 8 (VS2005)
* vbavista.ico
- created modern looking GBA icon for Windows XP and Windows Vista (256x256xRGBA) using Microangelo.
* UniVideoModeDlg.cpp, UniVideoModeDlg.h
- created one dialog for all display APIs
- supports additional display adapter and frequency selection
* GDIDisplay.cpp
- better full screen support
- multi monitor support
- enhanced rednering system
* Direct3D.cpp
- updated to Direct3D 9
- better full screen support
- multi monitor support
- enhanced rendering system
* DirectDraw.cpp
- changed DirectDraw initialization
- better full screen support
* OpenGL.cpp
- better full screen support
- multi monitor support
- enhanced rendering system
* Joypad.cpp, Joypad.h
- speeded up the key capture timer</blockquote>