I am proud to be releasing my first game. At this point, all the basic gameplay is coded in.
Game Name: Space Destroyers
A space shoot-em-up with a twist. As your score increases, you level up as in a typical RPG. You are currently able to choose between increasing ship speed, increasing bullet speed, or increasing number of bullets fired.
Currently implemented:
Basic graphics. I am not artistic, so I am using various sprites and backgrounds.
Up to level 9, with 3 speed increases each and 2 levels of weapons.
One enemy type, typical fight pattern of straight down.
To Be Implemented:
Explosion animation
More enemies and bosses, to appear with a higher score/"level"
High Score List
Continue Feature(Possible)
Better Graphics as can be found.
More Level Up options, including special talents unlocked at certain levels.
To Be Changed:
EXP/Score system. I've never been good with choosing a EXP table. Advice anyone?
Suggestions will be considered. Bugs will be fixed and credited to the finder.