March 3rd, 2008, 17:04 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

Four fun-filled modes. Arcade, Tournament, Practice and Nature Trip modes.
15 stages. Find your favorite fishing spot in seven brand new stages created exclusively for the Wii, or re-live your glory fishing days in four classic arcade and four Dreamcast stages.
Four types of bass. Hook four breeds of bass: Florida Large Mouth, Red Eye, Small Mouth and Northern Spike Large Mouth.
Reinvention of a classic. This classic title first made a splash in the arcades and now the gameplay and graphics have been updated for the Wii.
Authentic simulated fishing experience. New features have been created to take full advantage of the Wii Remote, including driving the boat with the control stick and reeling in your fish with the motion sensor.
Variable conditions. A variety of seasonal conditions can vastly effect your fishing trip, with seasons, time of day and weather all playing a part.
The sun is out, the fish are biting and your tackle box is filled with 20 different types of lures. With content created exclusively for the Wii, you'll motor out, find your favorite fishing hole, cast off using the Wii Remote™ and snag one of four types of bass. When you hook a fighter, your motion sensor will let you know, so hang on and enjoy the ride!
For more information and downloads, click here!
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