November 21st, 2008, 00:59 Posted By: wraggster
News from Nintendomax
1) Scrolling
Scrolling with, I had to manually create the characters leaf small squares method "old school", and noted the coordinates of all vertices. I also made a routine that calculates all the normal averaged for the Light (ie more than normal in a table).
At the beginning it should be a scrolling, but it has become over time an auditor modeling characters. That is why it is a "rotation character", "transparency"
and "display vectors" that shows the normal.
You can also manipulate the camera you see that light is before the character and act from behind it. There are 2 version, a GC and a PC has the following buttons or keys to use:
(PC attention to the numeric keypad to figures)
PC version ------------------------ ---- |---- GC
CHARACTER SELECTION: --- 4 ----------- B
NO LIGHT / OFF: 9 ----------- ----------- R
ROTATION character --- 6 / 8 -------- X / Y
TRANS MODE / OPAQUE: ----------- ----- 7 L
ROTATION CAMERA: ----- --- Analog Arrows
DISPLAY VECTORS: A ----------- ----- 2
With DEMOTEV, I wanted to associate light and texture, because in fact I knew the light by using vertex and display textures, but I could not combine the two. This is where the VTE: The VTE can combine ( "mix") color information or not with a texture and / or combine texture with a texture (multitexturing).
It also plays well with the color and alpha of a textured surface with color and alpha of a colored surface. Background: alpha is the degree of transparency or opacity of a color.
It can make 16 combinations (Stage) but only a multitexturing 8 textures. But it is enough.
In short, using operators, parameters, type of matrix, sources texture coordinates we do what we want the texture. As with Open GL.
This demo is not multitextures and want a reason to use this possibility.
I had already made a demo showing a cube with different textures simultaneously, but it was not multitextures as I had announced. I was wrong.
This demo does Shows a cube with a few comments on a star whose "color of the stars change. There are 2 versions:
a GC,
- Have the file DEMOTEV.gcm.
- Press the button to change the texture of the cube.
and a PC,
- Must be created under the root C: (where another hard disk) a "DEMOTEV" and put DEMOTEV.exe and DEMO.tpl, and then start DEMOTEV.exe.
- Press the 2 key on the numeric keypad to change the texture of the cube.
NOTES: GC versions of the 2 demos have a RESET button START.
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