May 11th, 2007, 17:41 Posted By: wraggster
via kotaku

An little 11-year-old girl in Inverbervie Scotland and her mother were shocked when one of the colorful characters in the child's Animal Crossing DS game had called her a '****ing cow'. As children these days are taught the 'screenshot or it didn't happen' rule from an early age, they were lucky enough to capture the precious moment for UK's Metro news. Of course it has to be user-input, seeing as the text is in blue, but how on earth did it get in there?
It's boundless speculation time!
This is the modern-day version of acting out your parents' marital problems with Barbie dolls. The girl sits in her room, listening to her parents fighting in muffled voices, and begins to think she isn't good enough to have a good-natured, friendly Animal Crossing town. She begins sending out letters to her 'friends', first calling Tom Nook a bloody wanker (deservedly so), and eventually getting to the point where she's distilling turnips into alcohol and calling Tippy a '****ing cow'. It isn't until Whitney comes to confront her that she realizes she needs help and brings the DS Lite to her mother, who completely misunderstands. Eventually the truth will come out, leading to a dramatic, "YOU, okay!? I learned it from watching you!"
That or it was a used copy, but that's just boring.
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