leinad has posted a release in the Neoflash Summer Coding Comp:
Nickname: leinad [a.k.a. n00bey]
Project name : SavSend
From : Germany
Division : NDS APP
Original enterty : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: With SavSend you can 'download' the save-files from original cartridges.
You simply start SavSend and then follow the onscreen text.
After inserting a game you have two options to send the savefile:
A: Upload it to a webserver from where you can download it on your computer. After downloading the savefile gets deleted instantly!
B: Upload it directly to your Computer without anything between: The NDS emulates a file-server and you download the file by entering the DS-IP into a webbrowser.
Usualy way B is recommented, but it somewhat fails for some persons, so I included the online-way.
Changelog since the last beta:
- Uploading to your PC is more stable now
- Changed the textes a little bit
- Changed the percent-line function to take the whole bottom
- Added possibility to upload the file to an online-server to download it from there
- Its possible to close the NDS-Lid to turn of the light and save some power now
- Various code-cleanings