Posted By: Sektor

Awesome release by Dopefish for the Nintendo DS
"This is a port of Rise of the Triad for the Nintendo DS.
This is currently a work in progress. Newest version is 0.4 (released Aug 31, 2007).
Many thanks to GPF for porting SDL to the DS. I've built upon his work: rewriting parts of the video code, fixing a bug in the keyboard handling, and adding a mouse driver for the touchscreen.
Recent Changes:
* The registered version is now supported. You must supply your own DARKWAR.WAD, DARKWAR.RTL, and DARKWAR.RTC files.
* Customize Keyboard screen now displays names of DS controls, for easier remapping.
* Note: I made a minor change to the default control mapping; delete your CONFIG.ROT file and the game will auto-generate a new one.
* Sound and Music do not currently work.
* No network support."
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