I've been thinking about this for a while. remember that nintendo ON video, and its opening showing all of nintendo's past consoles? when I saw it (by that time it was a confirmed fake) I woundered why he showed them. then E3 came and Big N told us of revolutions backwards compatability. that's when I thought, "how will revolution be able to play virtual boy and DS" I then thought "well that nintendo on VR idea would work. then nintendo tells use no HD (I don't think I care too much) I think "well, it'd be hard to make hd VR glasses" (In the video though, It looks like the REV will be able to output to a tv& computer. It makes sense, safety wise, to have a nother display. so your friends can make shore you don't walk into a brick wall) and then the video shows an arrow pointing from a gamecube to REV an a mysterious box. I believe that box could be that wireless usb 2.0 router thing (the real nintendo on; on as in online) and you would need it to send stuff to REV (so the "gamecube" pic could actually be refering to previous gen games in general and the whole diagram explained what's needed to download the games on to REV) the router also could clarify some vague nintendo statements about what they wanted revolution to be (you know, they were some of the first REV details where they were talking about how they want REV to be wireless.) I think there's a likely conection between that VID and what REV will be.