There are many writers on the Joystiq payroll who are of the firm opinion that the Wii incarnation of Resident Evil 4 was the best version of the multi-platform title. That's why we were understandably disappointed when it was outed that Resident Evil 5 would not be coming to Nintendo's console -- though according the game's producer, Masachika Kawata, a Wii port of RE5 was never a remote possibility. Due to the game's graphical improvements over the previous installment, "the title screen of this couldn't have been done on PS2 or Wii," Kawata explained in a recent GameTrailers interview.
Nintendo fanboys shouldn't be too disheartened by this somewhat brash claim -- in a later, seperate interview with GameTrailers, Juntake Uchi, yet another producer for the title, said that Capcom would love to continue the Resident Evil franchise on the Wii, though such a reunion is "a couple of years down the road."