reNXpack is a tool for repacking Nintendo Switch nsps to work on lower firmwares
- Repack games, updates and dlcs with lowest encryption keys
- Convert titlekey encrypted ncas to standard encrypted ncas
- Patch required firmware version and required application version to zero
- Support nsps containing multiple games, updates and dlcs
Some nsps may not work on lower firmwares due to lack of required IPCs
You should load your keyset file with -k or --keyset option followed by a path to it or place your keyset file with "keys.dat" filename in the same folder as reNXpack
By default, Created nsp files are located in the same folder as reNXpack with 'titleid_reNXpack.nsp' filename
You can change output directory with -o, --outdir option
reNXpack creates "renxpack_extracted_nsp" folder as a temp directory, It deletes the directory content before and after conversion
If you use -t, --tempdir option to choose a temporary directory, Make sure it's an empty directory and it's not the same as output directory otherwise reNXpack deletes it
*nix: ./renxpack [options...] <path_to_file.nsp>
Windows: .\renxpack.exe [options...] <path_to_file.nsp>
-k, --keyset Set keyset filepath, default filepath is ./keys.dat
-h, --help Display usage
-t, --tempdir Set temporary directory path
-o, --outdir Set output directory path
Current version: v1.01