July 22nd, 2008, 02:52 Posted By: bmic@universitando.c
I am releasing a beta version of the Home Menu, decided to separate SOME of my functions of GRRLIB not to distort its purpose, this "library" will be temporarily call of STDMENU, if someone has better idea please advise.
Attached a sample code that makes very easy the lives of those who want to develop using the library as GRRLIB standard for matters of video and images in their homebrew.
Below a brief description of their duties:
-- STDMENU_InitAll ()
Responsible for booting the library FAT, Wiimote buttons, IR Wiimote, video, sound and variables necessary for the Home Menu.
You MUST place this early in the main.
-- STDMENU_HomeMenu ()
Responsible for calling the function of the HOME MENU.
It should be placed as an example: if (wpaddown & WPAD_BUTTON_HOME) STDMENU_HomeMenu ();
-- STDMENU_drawPointer ()
Responsible for showing the pointer on the screen, the X and Y is returned if declared as int the variables wXpos, wYpos and wAngulo, wBattery not yet been implemented for lack of support for the libraries of current wiimote homebrew for the wii.
His call should be placed before: GRRLIB_Render ();
The Operations Guide has to be customizable with a file name "OpGuide.png" with 608x404 resolution.
I will be staying at least for now the functions of the wiimote settings, I am entering in vacation from and in the next three weeks I will not look on any code, after all, these are the real reason for the premature release of STDMENU. 
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below some functions implemented in GRRLIB:
-- GRRLIB_DrawImg_FadeInOut (width, height, image, scale X, Y scale, speed);
Performs a fade in and out of selected images.
-- GRRLIB_DrawImg_FadeIn (width, height, image, scale X, Y scale, speed);
Performs fade in the image selected.
-- GRRLIB_DrawImg_FadeOut (width, height, image, scale X, Y scale, speed);
Performs fade out in selected image.
-- GRRLIB_FadeScr ();
It should be used to capture the screen of the current system and make a fade out.
The next functions were withdrawn from the forum of GRRLIB
-- GRRLIB_ScrShot (const char *);
Save a PNG file of the screen capture.
-- GRRLIB_ScreenCap ();
Used to capture a screen and send a variable u32 to be used later, its use is given as follows: u32 tex_scrTmp = GRRLIB_ScreenCap ();
LINK TO DOWNLOAD: http://wiihomemenu.googlecode.com/files/stdMenuBeta.rar
For more information and downloads, click here!
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