The Nintendo Switch Scene might be hopping along like crazy, but there is still the Nintendo 3DS, and even big 'N' is releasing new models of 2DS/3DS this holiday season, along with new 3DS games, and firmware updates, so there still a very active Nintendo 3DS Scene, and to that end @derrekr6 and @profi200 have recently cleaned up their FastBoot 3DS code and released a stable v1.1.
fastboot3DS v1.1 beta -> v1.1 stable changelog:
Added option to change splash duration
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience
fastboot3DS v1.0 stable -> v1.1 stable changelog:
Added support for custom splashscreens (Luma splashcreens work) with customizable duration
Added support for FIRM from FCRAM (A9NC support)
Added extended FCRAM support on N3DS
Added Bootrom / OTP dumper via SuperHax
Vastly improved boot times thanks to improved SDMMC.c driver
Improved performance of NAND backups and restores thanks to improved SDMMC.c driver
Tons of under-the-hood improvements and smaller bugfixes
Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience
fastboot3DS is pretty much feature complete. If you have any suggestions about missing features please open an issue or contact us via other means.
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